Youth Event Permission

Students need this form to be submitted by a parent or guardian for every offsite or overnight event or activity they attend.
Youth Information

Parent or Guardian Information



By checking "I Give Permission" below, you are agreeing that you are the parent or guardian of above-listed student. You are agreeing to allow your student to attend the above-listed event with the youth group of Stow Alliance Fellowship, including transportation to and from events where appropriate. You are further agreeing to not hold Stow Alliance Fellowship, or any of its employees or volunteers, liable in any way for any injury sustained during this event.

You are also agreeing that should your student behave in an inappropriate manor or in any way that creates a situation that endangers anyone, the Youth Pastor will contact you to arrange to transport your student home.

Finally, checking below indicates that you have completed the "Youth Registration & Medical Release Form" for the above-listed student for the current school year. If you have not yet filled that form out, you may do so HERE before clicking below.

Please select all that apply.


Students need this form to be submitted by a parent or guardian for every offsite or overnight event or activity they attend.